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Dr. Toyin Ogundipe

Dr. Toyin Ogundipe is an end-time revolutionist who is being raised up with a unique anointing for the Apostolic-Prophetic Movement of this time. She is called of God to lead the next generation of world changers and champions, and heralding the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. She is consumed with a passion to see men experience the fullness of God’s Glory; which is His encompassing presence in today’s Church. She is deeply inquisitive, principled, but a very loving personality. She possesses strong beliefs on biblical truths and new-creation doctrines. She’s also passionate about seeing brethren walk in their God’s given abilities.

Dr. Toyin Ogundipe is a renowned voice in the Prophetic office, built strongly on the Word of Faith principles, and a believer of the New Testament way of worship.
She is determined to contribute her own part to God’s End-time army commission while declaring the release of His Greater glory upon His body on the earth. She is inclined towards interceding for the end-time move and purpose of God for the church of Christ, upon which the ministry arm “The Greater Glory” was founded.

She is the founder of the Prophetic Faith Network, a ministry consisting of believers who have a passion for the word of God and are interested in the End-times moves of the Holy Spirit.
She’s very homely and believes one’s ministry starts from the home, establishing it on the foundation of Christ and serving as an example of what It is to live a fulfilled life.
Dr. Toyin is a partaker of God’s Glory chosen to live an abundant life overflowing with God’s goodness in every area of life. She believes one can have it all, being complete in every aspect of life; Home, Ministry, Career, Relationships, Finance, whereby conquering the systems of this world.

Dr. Ogundipe possesses many years of experience as a licensed dentist in the United States. She is happily married to her sweetheart, Mr. Jide Ogundipe. She is a mother of four biological children, and also serves as a motherly figure to several kings and leaders.

Mr. Jide Ogundipe

Mr. Jide Ogundipe a man of integrity and wisdom is called as a prophetic voice to the nations alongside his better half, Dr. Toyin Ogundipe. He’s called with a strong apostolic mandate in Kingdom Financing and believes in the end-time move of God’s Glory while bringing a clear understanding of Faith (trust and belief in action) as a basis for operating in this mandate.

Mr. Jide Ogundipe is a man committed primarily to empower the body of Christ across the nations in Kingdom financing and preparation of the End-time transfer of wealth back into the church. This mission is carried out through various Leadership Seminars, Speaking engagements, Prophetic Conferences as well one-on-one sessions with individuals. He’s known to be an expert in unlocking treasures of wisdom in the area of Business development while creating an atmosphere for building Christian entrepreneurship, Empowering, and Establishing men with the truth of kingdom business.

He operates strongly in the healing Anointing and he’s known to release people from mediocre lives into their wealthy places, destroying the hold of Poverty over them. He’s a Father figure and often serves as a voice of Direction, Counsel, and Wisdom. Currently the CEO of two Companies, a CFO, a member various Board of Directors and Trustees. He possesses an extensive experience in Project Management, Financial Management, Strategic Planning, Business Negotiations, Acquisitions, Leadership Training and he’s a known Motivational Speaker. He is indeed a voice to reckon with.
They are blessed with four beautiful children; Victoria, David, Elizabeth, and Samuel.